Cervical and Lumbar Disc Herniation

Cervical and lumbar disc herniation are other common causes of neck and back pain. Five to twenty cases per 1000 adults annually experience a herniated disc, with the most affected individuals 30-50 years old.

What is cervical disc herniation?
Cervical disc herniation occurs when there is a displacement of the inner core of the vertebral disc (nucleus pulposus) of the intervertebral disc at the neck.

Symptoms include and are not limited to:

  • Neck pain or numbness
  • Pain in the shoulder and arm
  • Sharp or burning pain

What is lumbar disc herniation?
Lumbar disc herniation occurs when there is a displacement of the inner core of the vertebral disc (nucleus pulposus) of the intervertebral disc anywhere along the back. However, it often occurs in the lower back.

Symptoms of lumbar disc herniation include and are not limited to:

  • Neck pain or numbness
  • Pain in the shoulder and arm
  • Sharp or burning pain
  • Loss of bladder or bowel control
  • Sciatica (pain that travels from nerves in the buttocks down the legs)


For the physician to diagnose either cervical or lumbar disc herniation, the patient must have a physical examination. Depending on the symptoms, the physician may focus on the neck or back during the examination. In addition, the physician may order an MRI to show the spinal stenosis and spinal cord compression.


Every case is unique to each patient. That’s why we provide treatments that provide non-surgical and surgical therapies. Discover which treatment is best for your needs by contacting us to schedule an evaluation.